Breaking Their Hold Lyrics

When you see them coming in form.
And they say they do what's best for you.
Fighting for one total control.
They are planned and organized for you.
Breaking their hold. Breaking their hold of control they strive.
To keep you down, behind your back, the time has come, the end is near.
It's when you sleep, so late at night, and in the light, getting prepared.
It's not to help you, but help their cause, under one system, you wont exist.
They are the few, with all the power,
our system screams, we can't let them tear our hearts out.
Screaming, pulling on our pride.
Stand together for the right cause, one system to our demise.

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Description: Breaking Their Hold Lyrics
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Admin
ItemReviewed: Breaking Their Hold Lyrics