SID - The Broken Song Lyrics

I look up the sky it’s nothing there could make me smile
And the moon is dark it’s time to let you go
The scratches in my heart I know it’s real but feel so fake
I could never…

Cos when I look back so many things I should regret
My insecurity won’t dry to pull you down
All this things surrounding me is never compromise
Bring the devil get outta my side

This broken heart and broken life
I’ve made it all no turning back
Now should I stay here with no lights
Or should I go for one last try

The brighter side of me is grey so hard to make it white
And the reasons just completely out of sight
I’ll come back and try when I know I’m a better man
Then again that will never come true

I wonder why we say good bye
Wonder why I fucked up everything
And just today I’ve found it why
Like they say some was born to lose

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Description: SID - The Broken Song Lyrics
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: SID - The Broken Song Lyrics