SID - Moral Dilemma Lyrics

Struggling really hard to make something’s right 
and innovation lies in modern lives
Who's next to lose kind of misuses
Dream on in the first night, even if you need to keep it up

How many more years do we live in disguise 
and who will teach us to break up the mask
Understand us show us the side
Too many things that we don’t know to get them

Roll wipe away this quality fight, so many words become regret
Clever man must learn to answer all his moral dilemmas

Pick the line, every time
When you sober no more twisted mind
All the time, rise up your hand to answer

Struggling really hard to make something’s right 
and innovation lies in modern lives
Who's next to lose kind of misuses
Dream on in the first night, even if you need to keep it up

How many more years do we live in disguise 
and who will teach us to break up the mask
Understand us show us the side
Too many things that we don’t know to get them

Roll wipe away this quality fight, so many words become regret
Clever man must learn to answer all his moral dilemmas

Pick the line every time
When you sober no more twisted mind
Hold your life no denial yooo then will we enough
Pick the line anytime yeahhh..
When you sober no more twisted mind
All the time, rise up your hand to answer
"Here we are"

Standing on the edge of lust, but you have to going thru
you gotta the last one
The last that always give us a smile 
not only hope and promises
open the gate to break all lies
Struggling really hard to make something’s right
Struggling struggling 
and how many more years do we live in disguise

Pick the line every time
When you sober no more twisted mind
Hold your life no denial yooo then will we enough
Pick the line anytime yeahhh..
When you sober no more twisted mind
All the time, rise up your hand to answer
"Here we are"

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Description: SID - Moral Dilemma Lyrics
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: SID - Moral Dilemma Lyrics